Exclusive FurnitureExclusive Furniture – Houston, TX
Profitability Consulting is not only a great company, the people who work there are great human beings.  Everyone at Exclusive Furniture was extremely pleased with the work they did with us.  They shed the light on things that we needed to pay attention to and brought our attention to things we were missing out on.  They reminded us how important processes are and without them the bottom line and the company suffers.  Their Complete solution is one of the greatest out there, they are furniture people so they understand the furniture business and the challenges retailers face every day starting from hiring to training and retaining good employees.  Their Sales training program is one of the best as Steve Smith is an Excellent trainer.  The WH solution is great and Taylor Ganz can really dive into your financials and tell you what you are doing wrong or right.  Every one should use Profitability Consulting it will be the best investment you will make.

Sam Zavary
CEO & President