
“I came into the family business three years ago with fifteen years of managing experience in a non-related field. Running a nonprofit organization is about as far from retail as you can get. As a relative newcomer to the furniture industry, I have found the Sales Trac training program to be not only a benefit to my sales staff, but an incredible opportunity for me to learn the nuts and bolt of furniture sales. My staff has responded well to the program and really seemed to enjoy the training sessions. The format of the book is easy to follow, easy to refer to, as well as an easy tool to teach new hirers. The availability of the trainers to help you in the days, weeks and months following the sessions is a tremendous help. I have been very pleased with the way that my management team has responded to Management Trac. Several of my managers have come through the company as sales associates and have been involved in a wide variety of sales training over the years. They all feel that from the sales associates’ side this is the BEST they have seen. Sales associates are not only offered suggestions on how they need to conduct themselves to become more successful, but they are shown with undeniable mathematics how simple changes, that make perfect sense, can make them more successful. What my managers like the best is that this is the ONLY program that we have participated in that went on to teach the managers (coaches) how to keep the excitement going after the initial “HONEYMOON” stage. Previous programs have left even the best of my managers borrowing a phrase from Nike……JUST DO IT. My team is a work in progress. We are making forward progress. We are thankful to Profitability Consulting Group for the training program that they have created. It is well worth both the money and time invested. We have seen measurable results on the sales floor and have more confidence in ourselves as Coaches.” – Miller Brothers Furniture
